Rolling Stock Bogie Maintenance
Implement preventive and corrective maintenance activities of rolling stock bogie
Competency Area
Rail Systems Maintenance
Carry out scheduled maintenance work
Perform preparation work to conduct maintenance on rolling stock bogie
Follow organisational maintenance procedures, WI and/or OEM technical manuals to carry out preventive maintenance on rolling stock bogie
Perform functionality checks on rolling stock bogie systems and components
Adhere to safety guidelines and operating instructions for tools and equipment during maintenance work
Record rolling stock bogie maintenance activities and report occurrences of potential faults identified
Conduct corrective maintenance
Interpret work orders and prepare for corrective maintenance
Apply fault identification procedures to determine causes of faults in rolling stock bogie systems
Dismantle rolling stock bogie components for corrective maintenance
Carry out rectification, repair and/or replacement of faulty components
Perform wheel profiling to ensure proper wheel-rail interface
Reassemble and reinstate rolling stock bogie components
Perform functional tests of rolling stock bogie
Adhere to safety procedures when performing maintenance work
Record and collate documentation of rolling stock bogie maintenance work
Troubleshoot, locate faults and recommend rectification
Use troubleshooting tools, equipment and methods to locate and analyse causes of rolling stock bogie faults
Recommend corrective actions for identified faults on rolling stock bogie system and components
Implement procedures on safe usage of tools and equipment during maintenance work
Analyse maintenance work documented for rolling stock bogie to identify possible workflow improvements so as to prevent fault recurrence
Diagnose root causes of failure and prevent recurrence
Establish structured failure investigation and specify functional testing requirements
Apply failure investigation methods to diagnose root cause failure of rolling stock bogie
Review organisational rolling stock bogie maintenance procedures
Propose new and/or enhanced maintenance procedures and/or WI in reference to OEM technical recommendations
Monitor overall maintenance progress of rolling stock bogie to ascertain effectiveness of maintenance procedures
Develop solutions by analysing diagnostic data to prevent faults and failures recurrence
Develop troubleshooting, rectification and fault analysis methods
Develop test procedures for system performance checks
Coordinate rolling stock bogie maintenance with other rail systems maintenance needs