Talent Management

Drive talent management strategies and programmes to identify, develop, review and retain talent to meet the current and future organisational needs



Competency Area

Workforce Development


Develop talent management programmes

Lead talent assessment using tools, methodologies and criteria as defined in the talent management strategies

Identify trends from talent assessment outcomes

Develop programmes to implement organisation management strategies

Engage stakeholders in talent management processes to ensure commitment and buy-in

Provide guidance to managers on the use of talent management tools and methodologies

Develop programme evaluation tools to gather data and feedback on talent management

Establish performance against required criteria from data gathered through the programme evaluation

Recommend refinements to talent management programmes

Align talent management programmes with operations

Project future talent management requirements

Support the development of organisation-wide talent management strategies

Review proposed talent management programmes

Align talent management programmes with business needs

Select tools and resources to support talent management activities

Secure buy-in from stakeholders on talent management programmes and objectives

Review assessment outcomes to categorise talent within the talent pools

Approve refinements to talent management processes

Review the alignment of the talent management programmes with other HR programmes

Establish talent management strategies

Influence the board of directors and other senior executives of the organisation to determine talent needs for the organisation

Develop organisation- wide talent management strategies aligned to organisation’s business strategies

Oversee development and acquisition of tools and resources to support talent management strategies

Integrate the talent management strategies to anticipate risk and uncertainty

Review talent management strategies