Learning Space Design

Design learning environments aligned with desired learning experiences and outcomes



Competency Area

Learning Design


Articulate the need for learning spaces based

Is able to clearly articulate organisation's learning strategies and business objectives

Best practices and techniques across the value chain of learning activities

Opportunities and gaps arising from market trends and developments

Microeconomic and macroeconomic factors that influence and reshape learning strategies

Methods to evaluate emerging learning technologies

Linkages between learning strategies and business strategies

Design learning spaces basis as needed

Develop learning space plans based on defined learning activities and desired outcomes

Align design plans with learning experience objectives

Calibrate learning space design plans with learning mode analyses

Assess technology- enabled environment trends

Evaluate feasibility of integrating learning technologies with learning spaces

Design curated learning spaces based on the principles of active learning and interior design

Manage procurement of contract services for design and renovation

Manage construction or renovation process

Assess learning environments

Implement improvements to learning space design plans

Direct learning space design strategies

Define desired learning environment outcomes

Establish guidelines for learning space design plans

Evaluate effectiveness of alignment with learning modes

Outline viable learning technologies to be integrated with learning spaces

Oversee integration of learning technologies with learning space configurations

Establish procedures for procurement of contract services for design and renovation

Oversee construction or renovation processes

Review learning spaces to determine opportunity and gap areas

Recommend improvement actions to learning space design plans