Gender and Environment

Understand, define, and advocate for issues located at the gender-environment intersection, with a focus on identifying and addressing gender gaps in environmental impact management.



Competency Area

Environmental Impact Management


Aware of gender-environment intersection

Defines environment impact management (EIM) and its role within broader environmental impact assessment processes

Aware of linkages between gender, gender-based realities and the environment

Summarises the underlying intent for prioritising gender-environment intersections at local, national, and international levels

Supports gender analysis of EIM plans

Synthesises research for EIM plans, with an emphasis on gender-differentiated impacts of the environment

Identifies key issues located at the gender-environment intersection (food security, clean energy, women in the fisheries sector, etc.)

Supports gender analysis of EIM through data collection and preliminary analysis

Prepares EIM plans with a focus on identifying and addressing gender gaps

Prepares EIM plans while ensuring gender gaps are identified and addressed

Adapts key issues located at the gender-environment intersection to other variables like age, social class, caste, religion, etc.

Conducts a gender analysis of EIM using gender and sex-disaggregated data

Transforms issues located the gender-environment intersection into policy lessons

Oversees the development of EIM plans to ensure all elements are present (mitigation measures, monitoring, capacity development, etc.)

Transforms key issues located the gender-environment intersection into policy lessons

Prioritises gender analysis in EIM plans with a focus on gender-equality targeted approaches

Advocates for the integration of gender analyses into policymaking

Streamlines the inclusion of women in decision-making processes at all levels of EIM (planning, budgeting, etc.)

Advocates for the adoption of gender budgeting in policies, processes, and mechanisms located at the gender-environment intersection

Facilitates and pursues the integration of gender analyses into policymaking for climate change adaptation and mitigation