Policy Implementation

Support and drive policy implementation to create appropriate policy systems that align government priorities.



Competency Area

Public Policy


Defines policy implementation

Defines policy implementation processes, with a focus on good governance (actors, resources, institutions, first and second wave policy implementation, etc.)

Recognises an implementation plan document, including the various tasks, steps, and responsibilities it states

Aware of substantive and procedural policy implementation instruments and their respective objectives

Lists the 3 elements required for successful policy implementation (project management, participation, and public relations)

Understands policy implementation

Demonstrates the importance of effective policy implementation, with a focus on good governance principles

Provides research towards policy implementation plans (identifying resources, documenting best practices, determining relevant stakeholders, etc.)

Categorises policy implementation instruments as substantive and procedural policy instruments, keeping in mind the level of state capacity required

Aligns the 3 elements of policy implementation (project management, participation, and public relations) to the government mantra of ‘Reform, Perform, and Transform’

Supports policy implementation

Supports policy implementation processes through the operationalisation of good governance principles (accountable, responsive, transparent, participatory, etc.)

Drafts policy implementation plans that highlight key tasks, action points, relevant stakeholders, and potential challenges

Reviews and analyses context-dependent pathways of choosing a policy implementation instrument (fiscal, educational, infrastructure, instrument-mix, etc.)

Explains the desired outcomes of a policy implementation, keeping in mind broader policy goals and objectives

Drives policy implementation

Drives policy implementation processes (interactions with relevant stakeholders, aligning with institutions, identifying interest groups)

Adapts policy implementation plans to new evidence, government priorities, and challenges

Streamlines the inclusion of local contexts, knowledge, and practices in choosing a policy implementation instrument

Aligns policy implementation processes and outcomes with government goals and objectives across sectors

Advances context-specific policy implementation

Incorporates new policy implementation approaches to encourage a culture of innovation

Creates appropriate systems that efficiently adapt to changes caused by new evidence, government priorities, and challenges

Prioritises local contexts, knowledge, and practices in policy implementation processes

Seeks out expertise in emerging implementation approaches that could alter the government’s policy goals and objectives