
Empathy is about being able to accurately hear out and understand the thoughts, feelings and concerns of others, even when these are not made explicit.



Competency Area



Understands unspoken content

Demonstrates active listening skills (such as asking probing questions, not interrupting)

Recognises body language, facial expression, and/or tone of voice to understand the unspoken message

Recognises unexpressed or poorly expressed thoughts, concerns, and feelings

Picks up signals when others are not feeling comfortable and displays consideration

Has concern for others

Open to diversity of opinion

Understands both what is being said by a person and underlying reasons for the emotional state of the person

Understands and appreciates other’s concerns and feelings

Probes to understand people’s issues, unspoken thoughts, and feelings

Displays openness to diversity of opinion and adapts behaviour to be helpful and considerate

Expresses concern for others

Makes inferences that go beyond the explicitly expressed content and emotion

Identifies a unique characteristic or the strengths of the other person

Is sensitive to underlying problems, and why people act or behave the way they do

Demonstrates empathy by correctly understanding reactions or emotions of others

Builds trust by demonstrating respect for other’s point of view

Acts as a role model

Displays an in-depth understanding of the ongoing reasons for a person’s behaviour and response

Understands the longer-term reasons for behaviour

Makes a balanced assessment of a person’s strengths and weaknesses based on a deeper understanding of the individual

Demonstrates an astute understanding of others’ views by asking the right questions at the right time

Creates and promotes an environment of respect

Creates a culture of mutual trust and respect

Encourages others to read deeper into others’ emotions by providing practical tips

Creates the systems promoting empathy