Customer Experience Management

Compile and analyse information gathered through various channels and manage communication across customer touch points to ensure a consistent and pleasant customer experience



Competency Area

Customer Relationship and Stakeholder Management


Engage customers over various platforms by leveraging on available organisational resources

Leverage on organisational resources when engaging with customers over various platforms

Portray professional etiquette when responding to customers over various platforms in accordance with organisational guidelines

Escalate feedback received over various platforms in accordance with the organisation’s guidelines

Identify opportunities to enhance customer engagement

Develop rapport and establish trust with various customer segments through effective verbal and non- verbal communication

Uncover customer requirements and recognise potential business opportunities

Provide prompt service delivery tailored to customer’s initial and subsequent needs through product referrals

Provide coaching in effective machine operation to customers

Apply best-fit conflict resolution techniques when handling objections and conflicts

Identify frequently asked questions asked by customers

Contributes ideas and responses to customers queries and requests

Analyse trends and patterns in the customer service knowledge base

Manage overall customer experience and resolution of escalated customer conflicts

Develop a business case for the customer service knowledge base

Oversee the testing and implementation of customer service knowledge base

Collect feedback on improvements to customer service knowledge base

Provide training and support to users of the customer service knowledge base

Define requirements for verbal and non-verbal communication guidelines

Resolve escalated conflicts and cases

Evaluate customer feedback to identify service gaps in existing customer service

Assess performance of the organisation against (KPIs)

Propose recommendations to improve customer experience throughout the customer life cycle

Drive the overall direction of customer experience according to the brand positioning

Define the scope of the organisation’s customer service knowledge base with relevant parties

Review and endorse the suitable methods and tools for the development of the customer service knowledge base

Evaluate and endorse proposed recommendations for mitigating gaps in current service standards

Forecast impact of recommendations on overall customer value proposition

Oversee the identification and prioritisation of data to be captured in the customer service knowledge base accordance with legal and/or legislative compliance, regulatory compliance and organisation’s policies and procedures

Identify key parties within the organisation to be involved in the development of the customer service knowledge base

Evaluate recommendations to improve the customer experience based on results of monitoring and evaluation

Evaluate and respond to issues arising from compliance to legislation and/or regulations

Synthesise external market practices with existing customer demands to align with organisation’s strategic goals