Internet of Things Management

Interrelate computing devices, equipment and machines’ data in a networked environment to provide specific solutions



Competency Area

Technology Management


Apply interfacing techniques in computer systems for networking and usage of dashboard information

Operate the automated tools and information

Utilise the system information integration

Interpret the control room and dashboard information

Interpret robotics and network information to despatch the task

Perform tasks to interact with the IoT in an automated plant

Analyse the information provided by the network and/or dashboard in order to apply and sustain the operational needs

Perform the troubleshooting

Analyse the automated tools and information

Perform systems information integration to analyse the Big Data

Interpret the Control Models, Process Control algorithms, Strategies behind the automated system

Interpret robotics and network information to perform and/or schedule maintenance work

Perform task to interact with the IoT in an automated plant

Manage manufacturing operations execution using Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for manufacturing improvement

Analyse Big Data to correlate multiple data from different sources to devise control actions

Identify applicable areas for implementing IoT solutions for manufacturing improvement

Use simulation tool to analyse and predict the performance improvement

Implement dashboard, reporting for manufacturing KPI management

Monitor the effectiveness of IoT solutions

Formulate Internet of Things (IoT) platforms for storing and managing information provided by the network

Design and develop an IoT application in a team-based environment

Conceptualise and articulate a solution making use of IoT

Manage data in IoT Applications

Design application and automation using smart device

Synthesise Data Visualization and Exploration Business Intelligence tool