Process Safety Management Framework Development and Implementation

Develop Process Safety Management (PSM) frameworks and implement procedures and practices to ensure the integrity and reliability of safeguards and protection systems within process plant operations



Competency Area

Process Safety Management


Select and apply appropriate safeguards and protection systems for process plant operations

Interpret PSM policies, standards and procedures

Identify process safety hazards and chemicals

Perform process hazard identification and risk assessment of process plants, including assessing hazard consequences, and recommend control measures

Conduct HAZOP, HAZID, and FMEA studies

Prepare process safety performance data for reporting

Perform routine site PSM performance monitoring and reporting

Recommend evaluation methods of PSM hazards in the workplace

Determine hazardous area classifications and SIL for new projects

Support the selection of safeguarding and protection systems for compliance with PSM

Improve desired outcomes of processes, human and cultural factors and workplace or work-related factors

Facilitate the development and implementation of Process Safety Management (PSM) frameworks and procedures

Develop PSM frameworks, including policies, standards and procedures

Manage the identification of process hazards and risks on existing production assets

Drive programme compliance with existing PSM regulations and organisational standards and practices

Develop PSM tracking tools for process hazard identification, assessment consequences and control of hazards

Detail PSM roll-out and campaign for PSM frameworks

Conduct HAZOP, HAZID, PMEA, LOPA and QRA studies

Advise hazardous area classifications and Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) for new projects

Provide technical justification for the selection of safeguarding and protection systems

Manage, maintain and process safety risk reviews and control measures

Manage process safety incident investigations by identifying root causes and recommending corrective and preventive measures

Review Process Safety Management (PSM) frameworks, including policies, standards, and procedures to drive continuous improvement of PSM

Formulate PSM scope, frameworks and direction

Review process hazard identification, risk analysis and evaluation

Review HAZOP, HAZID, PMEA, LOPA and QRA studies

Validate technical justifications for the selection of safeguarding and protection systems

Review process safety incident investigation processes and the effectiveness of corrective and preventive measures

Lead PSM audits and compliance reviews, and effectively communicate these across the organisation

Drive continuous improvement of PSM to align with industry best practices