Social Policy Formulation

Analyse research, social trends and impact of programmes and services to frame social policy issues and implications



Competency Area

Social Policy


Analyse research and social trends to assist framing of policy issues and implications

Identify community- specific issues for policy formulation

Identify trends in the external and internal environment that may impact social service sector

Identify new practices that could improve policy formulation

Describe existing legislation, political framework and policies

Examine broader political, socio- environment to develop and prioritise policy options

Assist in evaluating the integrity and comparability of data sources by interpreting information gathered from a variety of sources for the current policy agendas

Conduct literature reviews

Analyse the relevant subject matter issues affecting stakeholders in social service sector or community

Conduct discussions with stakeholders to better understand policy implications

Facilitate the framing of social policy issues and implications

Oversee the review and formulation of policy proposals

Collect feedback from relevant stakeholders

Apply relevant knowledge about the socio-economic and political environment and demonstrate awareness of issues for stakeholders in the community

Synthesise literature reviews conducted by staff

Analyse broader political and socio-economic environment to ensure appropriate research and data sets are available to inform policy development

Evaluate the integrity and comparability of data sources by interpreting information gathered from a variety of sources for the current policy agendas

Drive the review of research, social trends and client expectations of programmes

Identify global trends and developments to inform policy development

Engage and gather information from relevant stakeholders

Identify new and emerging societal trends

Communicate service and policy gaps to the right platforms for future development

Evaluate broader political and socio- economic environment to ensure appropriate research and data sets are available to inform policy development

Review submissions on literature reviews and identify applications for policy programmes

Define the scope of the policy development and identify policy approaches to achieve required outcomes

Inform direction of policy development by examining policies in the context of whole-of- government priorities and policy agendas

Set strategic direction for social policy formulation and policy responses

Drive collection and analysis of data, and environmental scanning to inform policy development

Lead the evaluation of information to identify breaches and inconsistencies in policies

Lead teams to analyse relevance of existing policies and procedures

Identify legislative requirements specific to policy formulation

Evaluate stakeholder involvement in the review of policies

Achieve strategic alignment through assessment of cross- agency, whole-of- government policy agenda, developments and influences

Shape government policies to support the strategic direction of the social service sector

Interpret information for current and future policy agendas

Review broader political and socio-economic environment to ensure appropriate research and data set is available to develop social policies