Macroeconomic Analysis

Evaluate impact of external factors on the organisation



Competency Area

Business Management


Demonstrate understanding of business climate

Identify the right sources and data collection formats

Extract relevant and accurate data from existing systems to perform business analysis

Interpret and analyse impact of business, economic and tax treaties on the organisation accurately

Analyse immediate threats or opportunities

Extract relevant and accurate data from existing systems to perform business analysis

Scan the organisation’s environment for business, economic, tax, technology and legislative changes that may impact the organisation

Identify factors of an organisation’s environment that are strategically important

Conduct industry analysis to understand environmental forces that impact the organisation

Evaluate the influences and impact

Extract relevant and accurate data from existing systems to perform business analysis

Interpret and analyse impact of business, economic and tax treaties on the organisation accurately

Anticipate possible impacts from government legislation

Communicate effectively on the analysis of the impact of technology on the organisation and its environment