Public Health Evidence Collection and Analysis

Appraise, oversee, and promote the use of contextualised evidence collection and analysis in public health policies programmes, to support and inform interventions.



Competency Area

Evidence-based Practice


Documents evidence

Understands the purpose of using evidence and research to inform health policies and programmes

Documents existing evidence, legislations, regulations etc. for a given public health context

Differentiates between the quality and relevance of evidence from across sectors, agencies, and public health disciplines

Appraises evidence

Appraises evidence gained through systematic methods and engagements with the wider research community

Determines contextualised quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, for a given public health context

Identifies gaps in current evidence base that may be addressed through primary and secondary research

Reviews evidence

Applies epidemiological methods to public health practices, settings, and situations

Analyses quantitative and qualitative data using public health tools, techniques, and concepts (biostatistics, informatics, etc.)

Reviews existing evidence to determine issues and corresponding solutions

Oversees evidence collection

Conducts public health research based on current best practices

Interprets results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice

Oversees evidence collection techniques and principles, taking into account existing local and international interventions

Promotes use of evidence

Advocates for key findings from public health reports, to inform policy changes

Promotes the use of evidence in public health practice, through publications, conferences, and other relevant forums

Develops evidence based guidelines for public health issues and challenges