Demand and Supply Analysis

Analyse and assess market dynamics to uncover demand and supply outlook of products to enable better positioning and identification of opportunities and suitability of offerings



Competency Area

Product, Sales and Market Management


Assess its demand supply outlook

Source for data on current and future prospects within industry and organisation

Analyse demand and supply patterns to present demand and supply analysis findings

Analyse products to

determine its characteristics and business viability

Analyse the target markets of the product to define its characteristics and impact on demand and supply

Utilise competition analysis to anticipate demand and supply for products

Assess suitability of organisation’s products and solutions against market and business criteria

Facilitate demand and supply needs analysis activities

Assess the desirability and practicality of ongoing market, product and solutions development and undertake activities where appropriate based on identified demand and

supply opportunities

Guide data or insights for demand and supply analysis

Review and provide additional insights for demand and supply

analysis reports before submitting for endorsement

Evaluate findings or reports of market trends and industry development on impact on business strategies or business operations strategies

Identify alignment between market demand and supply, and other business requirements with organisation’s products and solutions offering to determine suitability

Utilise research tools, methodologies or related tools for getting inputs or data

Make recommendations for improvement of products and solutions offering based on identified demands

Evaluate market dynamics to influence the market

Define demand and supply analysis framework appropriate for organisation's demand analysis

Lead and support development of organisation framework for data collection and assessment

Drive integration of primary quantitative and qualitative data

Ensure effective planning, execution, utilisation and budgeting of the research efforts

Establish procedures and guidelines for conducting demand and supply analysis

Establish research tools, methodologies or related tools for getting inputs or data

Establish criteria of evaluation for analysing demand and supply outlook of products

Monitor identified market demand and supply trends for opportunities for organisation to position and/or develop products and solutions