Research Design

Evaluate existing research literature to understand the existing body of knowledge, identify gaps or issues, translate them into research questions and design research studies to investigate and test hypotheses



Competency Area

Research Practice


Undertake activities to support the development of research studies

Conduct systematic literature reviews

Analyse peer-reviewed articles to identify issues or gaps in current knowledge

Develop research questions based on research aims

Develop research designs for testing of research hypotheses

Determine participant profiles and sample size required for representative data and findings

Identify approaches, and potential tools, instruments or test batteries, that can be used to measure variables and/or collect required data

Identify analytical methods required for data analysis

Identify measures to mitigate potential ethical issues or concerns related to the research design or target participants

Develop wider capabilities across the co-system

Identify potential collaborators for investigating research questions

Develop research questions based on the research aims, current issues or areas of interest to the organisation or sector

Evaluate approaches, and potential tools, instruments or test batteries for suitability of use in measuring variables and/or data collection

Identify cultural or contextual adaptations that need to be made to potential tools, instruments or test batteries for use locally

Draft research funding proposals that articulate the research questions, methodology, expected findings and expected benefits, and tailor them to the research objectives and requirements of research funders

Develop preventive measures to mitigate potential ethical issues or concerns related to the research design or target participants

Monitor the progress of the development of research proposals

Create and manage opportunities for c-research

Create collaborations to investigate research questions at a national or regional level

Supervise conceptualisation and development of multiple lines of research

Lead the development of research questions and research hypotheses based on current issues or areas of interest to the organisation, sector or nation to inform policy making

Evaluate proposed research designs to determine appropriateness for investigating the desired research questions and in the context of organisational priorities and constraints

Evaluate proposed analytical methods to be used for data analyses

Lead in the development of research funding proposals and establish budget and resource requirements

Manage collaborations

Create collaborations to investigate research questions regionally or internationally, and requiring large amounts of data or specialised expertise

Assess feasibility and appropriateness of a research study against organisational, sector, cross-sector or national priorities or constraints as part of an ethics board

Assess quality of proposed research designs as part of an ethics board

Assess suitability of proposed analytical methods as part of an ethics board

Evaluate adherence of proposed research studies to ethical guidelines