Financial Analysis

Analyse the financial statements and data to provide insights about the financial performance and position of the organisation over time



Competency Area

Financial and Transaction Management


Perform basic financial ratio analyses

Calculate ratios for assessing organisation’s profitability

Calculate ratios for assessing organisation’s financial performance

Evaluate organisational performance using financial ratios

Support organisation's decision- making

Calculate ratios for assessing organisation’s financial position

Calculate ratios for assessing organisation’s financial adaptability

Apply financial ratio analyses to financial decisions

Analyse financial statements for presentation to executive management

Identify trends by comparing ratios across multiple time period and statement types

Prepare and interpret performance and position of an organisation using financial statements

Convert trends into decision options

Translate financial results to CEO, board and external stakeholders

Evaluate the financial performance, position and adaptability based on financial statement

Discuss the limitations of ratio analyses caused by internal and external factors based on financial statements