Gender-sensitive Disaster Risk Management (DRM)

Understand, define, and integrate gender sensitive policies and practices into disaster risk management projects.



Competency Area

Gender and Development


Aware of gender issues in DRM

Understands the concept of gender and how gender inequalities can result in gender-differentiated disaster impacts

Demonstrates knowledge of gender-sensitive principles in national and international disaster management frameworks (Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction, comprehensive disaster risk management framework, etc.)

Defines disasters and describes the stages of a disaster management cycle (prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery)

Situates gender roles in disasters

Recognises factors that shape gender dynamics in disaster impacts (exposure, vulnerability, coping capacity, etc.)

Comprehends key terms with regard to gender-sensitive DRM (gendered disaster vulnerabilities, gendered disaster capacities, gender aware disaster risk reduction, gender mainstreaming, etc.)

Identifies gender gaps in the DRM cycle (access to information, access to public shelters, etc.)

Supports gender mainstreaming in DRM

Incorporates sex and age-disaggregated data in the DRM cycle to understand the underlying gender dynamics of disaster risk

Institutionalises female representation and participation in the design stages of DRM projects

Investigates the drivers of gender gaps, with a focus on the relationship between disasters and development

Integrates gender-sensitive methodologies into the DRM cycle

Integrates gender-sensitive vulnerability, risk and capacity assessments, and gender-sensitive indicators into the DRM cycle

Expands DRM projects to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through existing development programs (building resilience with social protection, community development, etc.)

Assess gender gaps to inform gender-sensitive interventions in the DRM cycle

Promotes gender equality in DRM projects

Leverages global and regional data on gender dynamics in disasters, to scale up case studies

Advocates for the institutionalisation of gender-sensitive DRM projects through their inclusion in gender-responsive budgeting

Champions gender equality and development in DRM projects, through the participation, leadership, and contribution of women in resilience building