Computational Modelling

Develop, select and apply algorithms and advanced computational methods to enable systems or software agents to learn, improve, adapt and produce desired outcomes or tasks. This also involves the interpretation of data, including the application of data modelling techniques to explore and address a specific issues or requirements



Competency Area

Development and Implementation


Identify statistical patterns and derive algorithms

Identify appropriate statistical algorithms and data models to test hypotheses or theories

Use appropriate analytics platforms and analytical tools given

Identify data models to test hypotheses and derive patterns or solutions

Develop and etsablish algorithms with sufficient data

Evaluate prospective analytical tools and platforms for their functional capabilities and ability to meet requirements of the analytic environment

Develop and utilise new algorithms and advanced statistical models to enable the production of desired outcomes

Create and develop hypothesis and manage data to prove/disprove

Design advanced statistical algorithms and their application

Direct data analytics and statistical modelling efforts across the organisation

Make decisions on appropriate data analytics and computational

Design advanced statistical and computational models, and spearhead the application of algorithms and modelling techniques to new domains