Public Sector Transformation and Innovation

Recognises and leverages the need for innovations that will systematically transform the public sector in India, by converting challenges into opportunities for change.



Competency Area

Public Policy


Recognises need for transformation in India’s public sector

Understands the evolution and history of the public sector in India

Aware of new and upcoming public sector innovation practices from around the world (Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Blueprints, Blockchain-based models, etc.)

Recognises the need for transformation in India’s public sector, with a focus citizen-centric needs and demands

Defines key concepts that can drive public sector innovation (digitization, digital transformation, e-Governance, etc.)

Identifies challenges faced by the public sector in India

Identifies 21st century challenges faced by the public sector and public service delivery in India

Documents best practices in India that have leveraged innovation to fuel public sector transformation, with an emphasis on efficiency, cost-effectiveness, accountability, etc.

Discusses the role of technology and digitisation in the public sector

Supports research on public sector innovation by identifying day-to-day loopholes that open up the space for transformation

Explores innovative tools and techniques that can convert challenges into transformations

Explores tools and techniques that can convert challenges to opportunities (collaborative, technology, citizen’s choice, management, etc.)

Applies best practices to contemporary demands of developing a responsive and citizen-centric public sector

Incorporates human insights and design-thinking principles into technological and digital innovations

Leverages research on public sector innovation to experiment, evaluate, and chose out-of-the-box solutions

Converts challenges into transformations

Converts challenges into systemic transformations such as moving towards a different operational model, outcome, or service delivery mechanism

Cultivates a culture of innovation by creating collaborative sandpits, public innovation hubs, and engaging with emerging technologies

Advocates for performance measurement tools, collective action, and information dissemination to reimagine the public sector within 21st century challenges

Promotes public sector innovations through partnerships with the private sector