Health Outcomes Measurement

Define, evaluate, and measure health outcomes to support evidence-based decision making towards pro-poor health approaches.



Competency Area

Public Health


Defines health outcomes research

Defines the meaning and purpose of health outcomes research and evaluation

Aware of factors that influence health outcomes (poverty, lack of access, gender inequality, etc.)

Recognise different types of measures used in health outcomes research (health states, quality of life, etc.)

Links health outcomes to poverty reduction

Understands the financial, social, and physiological relationship between poverty and health outcomes

Maintains a database on existing research on poverty, equity, and health outcomes, including best practices

Supports planning of health project evaluations through the collection of data, defining aims, and choosing from different types of evaluation methods

Assists health monitoring and evaluation for health outcomes

Establishes a relationship between health equity, health outcomes, and existing health programmes and policies

Identifies the poverty dimension in health project objectives to increase accountability for health outcomes among the poor

Assists implementation of monitoring and evaluation procedures for health outcomes (data quality assurance, data management, etc.)

Analyses health outcomes data

Uses statistical methods to analyse health outcomes data, with a focus on pro-poor health approaches

Investigates findings from a range of health outcomes studies using measurement concepts (reliability, validity, responsiveness, sensitivity, etc.)

Support strategic use of data to improve health outcomes among the poor

Promotes evidence-based health outcomes research

Leverages health outcomes research and best practices to support evidence-based decision making in development programmes

Prioritises evidence-based promotion, protection, and improvement of pro-poor health approaches

Facilitates cross-sectoral collaboration of policy objectives to improve health outcomes