Organisation Performance Analysis

Operationalise a business strategy on the planning and development of business structures and models to facilitate the evolution of a business to its desired future state.



Competency Area

Organisation Analysis


Articulate impact of trends and alternative strategies

Identify trends, alternative strategies and their potential implications on the operations

Identify gaps between the current and target business architectures

Translate the operational blueprint into focused action plans

Determine objectives, dependencies, resources, timelines, metrics costs and risks associated with the proposed plans and initiatives

Assess adequacy of resources, technology and capabilities available to support business requirements

Design business architecture blueprint and frameworks to achieve the desired future state

Evaluate market trends in the industry/sector or adjacent industries/sector, including evolving citizen needs

Analyse gaps between current and target

Develop a business case for a new or enhanced enterprise strategy

Recommend a best-fit framework, processes and structures to support the transition toward target

Develop and refine business architecture blueprints based on feedback from critical stakeholders

Spearhead processes for compliance, exceptions, vitality and communications

Drive processes to supplement organisation resources and technology to support the business strategy

Evaluate business outcomes and ROI of enterprise strategy

Strategically manage resources and capabilities to sustain the evolution of the business

Anticipate industry developments and project future trends and needs of key customers or stakeholders

Establish an effective and sustainable strategy for the business

Evaluate the viability of the organisation's architecture against current and projected market trends and alternative strategies

Formulate vision for how new business strategy can fulfil stakeholder needs and priorities

Project and weigh current or future costs and value added by new initiatives

Determine the enterprise architecture and structures required to drive the strategy

Define architecture metrics to guide monitoring of the enterprise life cycle

Utilise current and projected resources to support future business architecture and strategy