Wages & Salary Administration

Design compensation strategies, implement compensation plans which include defining the organisation’s talent requirements, functional roles, job role descriptions, reporting lines, accountabilities and responsibilities and balance with capacity to pay



Competency Area

Human Resource Administration


Implement Compensation/Salary Policies as per documented guidelines

Implement Salaray & Wages Policies in letter and spirit

Escalates the issues concerning policy implementation at the appropriate time and procedure

Deal with requests for policy exemptions in the most appropriate manner

Interprets policy matters correctly, cites precedence to suport interpretation correctly

Drafts circulars and notes clarify policie, suggests modification to policies

Write and develop policy documents based on direction

Interpret organisational policies and procedures to identify discrepancies, misalignment or deficiencies

Implement and follow procedures to execute policies

Provide staff with updates on policies and procedures

Identify possible improvements for policy implementations and make appropriate suggestions

Design compensation plans and mechanisms in line with the organisational philosophy

Translate compensation strategy and philosophy into design principles

Identify trends from industry practices on compensation design

Design plans and mechanisms for compensation

Secure buy-in from stakeholders in compensation design

Evaluate cost impact of compensation designs

Design rewards policies that support the business

Develop processes and systems to measure effectiveness of compensation design

Refine compensation design

Establish organisation-wide compensation philosophy and strategies

Establish compensation strategies aligned to organisational vision, mission and values

Develop adaptive strategies to allow compensation designs to anticipate uncertainty

Create alignment among remuneration plans and programmes

Define criteria to evaluate success of compensation strategy

Review compensation design against the articulated organisational philosophy

Determine the business viability of compensation designs

Project future compensation design requirements

Direct refinements to compensation design

Formulate compensation philosophy of the organisation

Formualte compensation philosophy that is aligned to the overall organisation vision, mission and values

Approve the compensation philosophy and design in view of the organisation’s overall human resource (HR) strategies

Determine success measures for the compensation strategies

Align compensation philosophy and business’ strategic goals

Endorse compensation design

Establish alignment between compensation designs and other HR functions