Inter-professional Collaboration

Apply an integrated approach to coordinate and deliver inter-professional interventions to clients



Competency Area

Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships


Support the implementation of inter-professional interventions to provide holistic care to clients

Recognise own responsibility to contribute to effective team functioning

Identify own strengths, limitations and values in functioning as a team member

Understand contributions of other professionals in patient care activities

Liaise with other professionals in the healthcare sector

Contribute to the goals, objectives and activities of the inter-professional team or networks

Execute inter-professional interventions to provide holistic care to clients

Maintain effective communication channels to facilitate information exchange within the care team

Practice collaborative decision-making as part of healthcare team

Collaborate with inter- professional team members to achieve team goals

Adopt appropriate communication styles to meet the needs of the clients, families and team

Share constructive feedback to meet the needs of the clients, families and team

Apply conflict resolution techniques to address disagreements within the team

Make referrals to other services as appropriate

Access current and relevant research, information and ideas for collaborative practices

Facilitate inter-professional interventions to provide integrated care to clients

Work closely with relevant stakeholders and/or agencies to deliver healthcare services

Review and develop processes and procedures to enhance collaborative practices as an inter- professional team

Develop goals, objectives and expectations for inter- professional teams

Facilitate cooperative work practices and allocation of resources for the inter-professional team

Engage in inter- professional team research projects

Initiate inter- professional interventions to provide an integrated care

Review the roles and functions of inter- professional teams

Establish performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of teams

Evaluate the effectiveness of the care teams

Recommend improvements based on evaluation findings

Review and propose changes to frameworks and guidelines at the organisational level to facilitate inter-professional collaboration

Identify inter-professional opportunities at an organisational level to enhance holistic client care

Implement organisational frameworks to support the development of collaborative practices

Drive inter-professional collaboration in the sector

Build and leverage on networks with relevant stakeholders across the sector and settings

Foster partnerships with key stakeholders to support the successful execution and integration of inter-professional programmes across the sector and settings

Oversee the development of sector-wide inter- professional programmes and best practices

Develop cross-settings and cross-profession programmes for implementation by various healthcare providers

Integrate sector- and community-wide programmes across different healthcare

stakeholders to enhance national healthcare delivery