Client Advocacy

Advocate for rights of client groups and services



Competency Area

Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships


Advocate empowerment of clients and caregivers for routine cases

Identify strengths and resources of clients

Conduct interviews and meetings with individuals to determine the need for advocacy and representation

Advocate inclusion and consideration to promote client-centred care with relevant stakeholders

Identify the social, political, economic, and cultural factors that affect the clients’ intervention plans

Advise clients on available resources to support their treatments

Identify and apply appropriate funding for specific client groups based on existing healthcare policies

Advocate and endorse individual consumer rights to access the services provided

Identify environmental factors that affect client intervention plans and efficacy of interventions

Negotiate with relevant external stakeholders to provide support to clients in their homes, schools and workplaces

Advocate empowerment of clients and caregivers for complex and/or escalated cases.

Help clients identify the external barriers that may affect their intervention plans

Advise clients and caregivers of their eligibilities and rights to funding and clinical services respectively

Mentor junior staff on the right avenues and techniques for advocacy

Develop systems of networks with external stakeholders to provide client advocacy

Educate relevant community stakeholders about concerns related to persistent problems

Advocate for implementation of community based resources that meet the needs of consumers

Assess the effects of therapist’s interactions with the community

Develop advocacy frameworks for different groups of people

Identify staff who require formal training in client advocacy

Collaborate with principal educators to develop advocacy programmes and/or to plan for staff training in advocacy

Identify possible barriers to client advocacy

Develop strategies to overcome these barriers to client advocacy

Influence the sector to promote stronger rights for client population groups and services

Assess the impact of public policies on service planning and delivery

Influence and advocate at national- or cluster- wide level decision- making to consider the requirements of clients in relation to service planning and delivery

Communicate research findings and rationales for systemic changes

Establish and maintain alliances with relevant organisations for client advocacy

Identify existing opportunities where interests can be promoted and represented

Advocate funding for specific client groups based on existing healthcare policies