Casework Evaluation

Evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of casework interventions



Competency Area



Support the evaluation of casework outcomes

Support evaluation of clients’ level of risks and needs

Support evaluation of system intervention for clients

Compile data and information on cases

Implement appropriate evaluation frameworks for casework outcomes

Implement evaluation methods

Review clients’ level of functioning, risks and needs

Evaluate casework intervention outcomes

Adapt evaluation frameworks to evaluate casework outcomes

Adapt evaluation frameworks to suit unique requirements of cases

Review progress of clients against case plans

Evaluate the effectiveness of professional partnerships relating to casework interventions

Supervise casework evaluation

Drive efforts for effectiveness of casework evaluation processes

Evaluate effectiveness of case plans for specific areas of practice

Develop evaluation frameworks to suit unique requirements of cases

Identify the right caseworks for deep dive evaluation

Strategies approaches to track outcomes of casework interventions

Establish specific strategies to identify casework intervention performance

Develop case evaluation tools and approaches

Establish a communication system for knowledge dissemination and learnings arising from casework evaluation