Classroom Management

Apply and adapt classroom management strategies to facilitate delivery of interventions and the achievement of desired functional outcomes



Competency Area

Early Intervention Care and Education


Implement classroom management strategies

Prepare materials for recording observations and materials

Assist in conducting activities that support classroom management

Observe children and identify behavioural patterns and habits of each child

Provide written or verbal feedback to early intervention teachers on the children’s interests, learning and behaviours

Facilitate implementation of curriculum and documentation of children’s learning

Conduct observations and documentations of children’s learning using appropriate techniques

Support the planning processes and develop appropriate activities based on the child’s interest and goals in the Individualised Education Plan (IEP)

Gather observations from colleagues and families for input to planning process for the child

Apply classroom management strategies to create a natural learning environment that is conducive to routine or activity-based teaching and learning

Maintain the confidentiality of children and their families or caregivers

Collaborate with early intervention teachers and other professionals to assess observations and documentations to better understand children’s interests, learning and behaviours

Manage behaviours of children with support from transdisciplinary teams or collaborative team partnerships

Integrate a range of classroom management strategies

Use collected information and profile of the children to identify positive functions of children's behaviours

Adapt classroom management strategies to suit the needs of the children

Assess observations and documentations of children’s learning to assess teaching effectiveness, improve practices and enhance children’s natural learning opportunities

Manage the behaviour of children consistently and objectively, based on observations and documentations of children’s learning in collaboration with the transdisciplinary team

Discuss information gathered from observations and documentations of children’s learning with relevant stakeholders

Refine classroom management strategies

Refine classroom management strategies

Review teaching effectiveness to improve practices and enhance children’s learning experiences

Refine observations and documentations of children’s learning by early intervention teachers

Adapt tools to aid early intervention teachers in observation and documentation of children’s learning

Customise strategies to improve the effectiveness of observation and documentation of children’s learning

Facilitate design and selection of new resources for observation and documentation of children’s learning

Facilitate and lead discussions in peer observations

Coach and train early intervention teachers in applying classroom management strategies

Lead the development and implementation of new classroom management strategies

Align classroom management strategies to the centre’s strategic goals, drawing on relevant current research and evidence- based practices

Design evaluation processes to review classroom management strategies, observation and documentation techniques

Translate evidence- based practices into new classroom management strategies

Translate evidence- based practices into new observation and documentation techniques

Establish structures for continuous review and enhancement of classroom management

Establish structures for continuous review and enhancement of observations and documentations of children’s learning

Evaluate best practices in classroom management strategies from other centres or countries that can be adopted within the organisation

Drive pilot testing and refinement of new classroom management strategies within the organisation

Evaluate best practices in observation and documentation techniques from other centres or countries that can be adopted within the organisation

Drive pilot testing and refinement of new observation and documentation techniques within the organisation