Trade Compliance

Manage and monitor trade policies, procedures and standards to ensure organisation-wide compliance with domestic and international shipping requirements, custom regulations and trade laws



Competency Area

Trade and Investment Facilitation


Comprehends the trade compliance requirements and business procedures

Understands custom issues, global customs regulation frameworks (such as harmonised tariff schedules, customs valuations, import VAT rules)

Understands the requirements and business processes associated with cross-border movements of goods, compliance risk analysis and valuation methodologies

Lists regulatory changes in international trade of regulated items (such as hardware, technical data, software, services)

Develops documentation, training materials and compliance manuals

Assists with investigations, compliance enquiries and reviews of trade escapes and disclosures

Assists in drafting compliance policies, procedures and manuals with legal team and interprets regulations pertaining to international trade

Synthesises expert insights, audit reviews, compliance training materials concerning the requirements and obligations of import/export goods

Submits timely reports to regulatory agencies in accordance with compliance requirements

Guides proper use of export authorisations (such as license agreements, exemptions, exceptions) to authorise the transfer of regulated items

Conducts compliance audits and internal training

Proposes revised policies and procedures to ensure compliance with new or revised regulations

Incorporates deployment of trade touchpoints to ensure standardised processes across business units

Conducts international regulatory compliance audits of import, export and trade zone operations to assess compliance risk across the organisation and

Organises periodic internal training programs for legal, logistics, foreign trade and finance personnel on trade compliance programs (such as import/export compliance, free trade agreements, tariff suspensions)

Streamlines trade policies research and alignment with industry practices

Prioritises research into compliance regulations (domestic laws and international rules) that impact import and export shipments

Oversees the alignment of trade policies and procedures with corporate-wide policies and procedures in consultation with Export Control Office and Customs Compliance Office

Monitors trade compliance policies to identify compliance control gaps, ineffective controls and design reasonable surveillance processes and controls