Service Management

Demonstrate and apply the knowledge of key service management processes to monitor and evaluate resource management, strategic plans, as well as the role of citizens in service delivery.



Competency Area

Citizen Service


Understands key processes in service management

Understands the key processes tied to service management (leadership, resource allocation, strategy planning, etc.)

Recognises the importance of citizen involvement in service delivery

Comprehends the role of resource management in service delivery

Supports the team on strategy planning and management for service delivery

Demonstrates knowledge across service management processes

Supports the creation of workflows to track service management processes

Encourages citizen involvement in service delivery through formal/informal channels

Documents how resources are used towards service delivery (financial and otherwise)

Defines the role of internal and external stakeholders in service delivery

Adapts and monitors service management processes

Identifies and uses online softwares to create workflows for service management process

Adapts service delivery processes to citizen needs and expectations

Monitors the use of resources in service delivery

Develops strategic roadmaps for stakeholders involved in service delivery

Streamlines service management

Streamlines the use of online softwares in creating workflows for service management processes

Promotes a cross-cultural understanding in the design and delivery of service

Establishes internal processes to oversee the use of resources in service delivery

Communicates with a range of stakeholders involved in service delivery, particularly in difficult situations