Innovation Management

Create value and differentiation through new and improved processes, products and/or services



Competency Area

Productivity and Innovation


Carry out innovation initiatives

Execute innovation initiatives by following directions to ensure alignment with business goals

Apply project management techniques to carry out implementation steps

Implement innovation initiatives

Assess customer preferences through surveys and market research

Evaluate work systems and processes to identify opportunities for innovation

Implement innovation initiatives within business functions in accordance with innovation strategies of the organisation

Identify and mitigate risks during implementation

Develop innovation initiatives and strategies

Determine opportunities for innovation and improvement based on business unit performance and customer feedback

Provide solutions to mitigate risks and barriers to successful innovation implementation within business units

Oversee the implementation of organisational innovation strategies

Evaluate the effectiveness of innovative initiatives against the goals of business units

Formulate innovation strategies to develop new ways of pursuing business goals and operations

Analyse the competitive landscape of the organisation

Prioritise business functions which are in need for innovation

Develop innovation strategies across business functions

Define unstated customer needs and innovation opportunities

Articulate the rationales for innovation and success measures for innovation initiatives

Establish systems to support innovation within the organisation

Evaluate the risks of innovation to business units across the organisation