Process Improvement and Optimisation

Adopt process mining tools to discover critical processes and maximise these processes to achieve maximum efficiency in accordance with organisation procedures



Competency Area

Process Improvement


Support adoption of process improvement and optimisation methods

Capture of event logs for analysis purpose

Apply specific data collection methods with defined requirements

Recheck the data and sources to ensure accuracy

Implement adoption of process improvement and optimisation methods

Maintain event logs of processes

Analyse trends within dataset of event logs

Identify possible automation solutions for repetitive tasks

Collaborate with stakeholders to validate findings

Undertake process improvement and optimisation

Develop plans for implementation of improvements and optimisation of processes

Review shortcomings and further refine processes

Determine and deploy resources as required for enhancement of processes to be optimised

Devise strategies for adoption of improvements and optimisation of processes

Lead use of findings from data analytics to identify processes for automation

Devise transformational initiatives to streamline business operations

Formulate guidelines for process enhancement to achieve business optimisation goals

Initiate organisation- wide reformation of processes to improve productivity