Public Health Emergency Coordination

Coordinate and mobilise resources and responsibilities to address all aspects of a public health emergency management cycle, while ensuring consistent communication with emergency response stakeholders.



Competency Area

Public Health Emergency Preparedness


Understands the relationship between public health and emergency management

Describes the relationship between public health and the 4 phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery)

Aware of emergency management standards in India and elsewhere

Understands the underlying intent of incident management plans and corresponding systems for public health

Informs public health emergency response stakeholders about key decisions and next steps

Determines functional and domain areas for emergency management

Categorises emergency operations into the 4 phases of an emergency management cycle

Determines the functional and domain areas that emergency management standards work across (hazard and risk assessment, planning, mitigation, etc.)

Gathers information for incident management plans

Coordinates with public health emergency response stakeholders to mobilise resources, communicate uncertainties, etc.

Prepares use cases for emergency management cycles

Prepares use cases for each phase of an emergency management cycle

Reviews the functional and domain areas related to public health emergency management

Creates and continuously updates incident management plans, taking into account the situation at hand

Develops strategies to communicate with public health emergency response stakeholders

Assesses emergency management cycles

Assess emergency management cycles, taking into account key assumptions, contexts, and feedback loops

Streamlines functional and domain expertise in public health emergency management, through trainings, workshops, etc.

Adapts incident management plans to existing policies and the situation at hand

Oversees communication channels across stakeholders, during a public health emergency