Health Programme Evaluation

Understand, propose, and oversee healthcare-specific programme evaluations, to improve health systems, programmes, and organisational performance aligned with the Indian Public Health Standards.



Competency Area

Public Health


Understands programme evaluations

Aware of Indian Public Health Standards as a reference point for public health systems

Understands the intent of programme evaluations, distinct from impact evaluations

Lists types of healthcare programmes that can qualify for programme evaluation (direct interventions, community mobilisations, etc.)

Identifies evaluation principles and frameworks

Describes the structure of public health systems across rural and urban India

Differentiates between different types of evaluations for healthcare programmes (formative, process, outcome, etc.)

Identifies healthcare-specific programme evaluation principles and frameworks

Proposes customised evaluations

Proposes customised evaluations for India's diverse public health context

Determines evaluation types and questions, keeping in mind cost-effectiveness and fast-moving programme cycles

Prioritises public health stakeholders invested in programme evaluations

Oversees programme evaluations

Advocates for the improvement of health systems, programmes, and organisational performance using evaluation data

Integrates insights from various organisational processes into programme evaluation (budgeting, performance measurement, etc.)

Oversees the phases of evaluation, keeping in mind programme goals, desired outcomes, etc.